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Glass Bubbler
October 01, 2021 2 min read
There's nothing that makes us happier than receiving messages from Linx family all over the world just like you telling us how much their favorite Linx products have changed the way they enjoy their favorite loose leaf or extracts for the better.
After going through each of these messages, we can tell you the Gaia definitely doesn't disappoint, but now you don't have to take our word for it!
The following is a review from a very stoked and new Gaia fan. Give it a read!
Why do you vape?
I initially started out on nicotine juice, you know, trying to quit smoking?
I have been very successful, as I just celebrated 4 years without touching tobacco.
So that struggle has been met with great success. But, what about my formerly abandoned love of cannabis?
I gotta tell you, my struggle has ended!
I started with the Linx Gaia, simply because loose leaf was the only ‘product’ I was familiar with.
There have been a few people who did not really ‘get’ it with the Gaia. They were expecting the same billowing vape clouds that they have become accustomed to with traditional conduction vaping.
That’s where the Gaia is unique. By using a convection heating chamber, the Gaia is in essence, really just heating the leaf to a point where the trichomes can be released, thus ‘getting’ you ‘there’.
What’s the benefit of this? Well, it’s really a second, added benefit – you can get high on the same load TWICE!
How’s this? It’s called Already Vaped Bud, or ABV. After you have browned your first load in the Gaia, do NOT throw it away! It still contains THC and you can sprinkle that ABV on any edible you like to enjoy a nice body high.
That’s called bonus points.
And don’t forget about flavor. That’s where the Gaia is really coming from. When was the last time you ‘tasted’ your weed?
By utilizing indirect, convection heating, you’ll never have to experience that foul, burnt taste again at the end of a session.
Next comes stealth.
The Linx Gaia’s unique ceramic chamber holds just enough to take it with you anywhere.
That’s called reality. Recently, cannabis has gained wider acceptance, and rightly so, but let’s be honest, flying stealth is still the best option.
I recently moved to California, where legal recreational use is current with the time. But, we’re not all so lucky, are we?
Why would you want to blow out a giant cloud of ‘here I am’ when you could achieve all of the same benefits you’re looking for without any of the paranoia? (Low smell = low risk).
When you’re ready to stop chasing clouds and find your footing, you should definitely try the Linx Gaia.
Are you a Gaia fan? We want to know what you love about it. Drop us a comment below!
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